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The most advanced AI layer for your sales and support interactions, as well as enterprise data
Transcripts and more
Custom Scores + explanations
Call Effectiveness
Hard Data Extractions
AI Enabled Training
Virtual AI Agents capable of
Fully Interactive AI Dashboard
"Ask AI" anything for informed 360° decision-making
Seamless Integration & Automation
‘s Advanced Virtual Agents
for both Inbound and Outbound Calls
Advanced Virtual Agents for Inbound and Outbound Calls
Dial clients or Answer calls
Gather info / Pre-qualify
Converse on the fly
Receive payments
Make appointments
Hand-off to a live agent
Joseph Mastrangelo
Managing Partner, Ovation Tax Group
Elo has quickly become essential for us. Sales agents, customer reps, and even management rely on it daily for deep insights from sales calls. Thanks to Elo, our sales have doubled in mere months!
Let’s transform your call centre for the better!
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